In My Playground with Abstract Art

In My Playground with Abstract Art

ABSTRACT ART? What is Abstract Art Anyway? Why on earth...?

Have you ever wondered about abstract art? What is it? Why make it? Why like it? It's not literal or obvious, or necessarily narrative. But sometimes it is. Where is the relatability? Why am I, a painter who has worked in impressionistic realism for so long, suddenly taking this turn?

I've spent years on the architecture of my making: observing deeply...absorbing color theory...practicing perspective...learning from history. Rising from that foundation, and using a crazy mash-up of materials, now I'm tapping into energy, elusive qualities and a new language of visual cues in my art. The results surprise and delight me.

Have you tried something completely new lately?

I must admit that a niggling voice in my head whispers: but they expect a certain kind of painting from me…what will happen if my art starts looking so different? Here's the thing. We all change and grow and discover, don't we? You get to switch gears, wear crazy pants, play Mah Jongg, go to goat yoga, jump the waves. I'm creating and sharing ideas in new ways. It's fun! It's exciting! It's new! Take the journey with me.

I'm in my art playground and loving it! I hope you will too.

Laura King

'I'm intrigued by the idea of taking a visual element that clearly belongs in one context and making it work successfully in a totally different setting. - Nancy Goodman Lawrence

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